Bringing Value to Organizations’ and CISOs’ InfoSec and Cybersecurity Bottom Line

We Help Solve the Following InfoSec and Cybersecurity Pain Points:

  • Dark Matter Technology Care understands the challenges that can arise when initially developing or updating your organization’s cybersecurity program. Our CyberWell Blueprint breaks down the barriers of silos or stovepipes that are often inherent in cybersecurity programs. Ultimately, it serves as a catalyst for a “codified” matrix and “unity-of-effort” needed to cross-pollenate and promulgate guidance, policies and governance pertaining to managing the risk of your technology assets.

  • Dark Matter Technology Care has observed a common theme among organizations that have multiple compliance requirements and/or industry frameworks they need to integrate within their organization. The energy it takes to accomplish this can be resource intensive. Our CyberWell Blueprint remedies these issues though a “wholistic” framework that most major frameworks in the past, present and future by having eight key domains to manage vice multiple frameworks. This overcomes the tendency for organization to treat the compliance requirements and/or frameworks as something separate and apart from their internal cybersecurity program or processes.

  • Dark Matter Technology Care’s CyberWell Blueprint was birthed from the realization that organizations were taking months and/or years - depending on the size of the organization – to update and/or map out a new framework across the organization. CyberWell Blueprint does all the hard and time-consuming work out of the equation by delivering a single framework to manage and all industry frameworks or compliance requirements are intelligently mapped with the eight CyberWell Blueprint domains. We even keep the CyberWell Blueprint updated as framework releases and revision are made so you know you will always have the latest framework mappings.*

    *CyberWell Blueprint subscription coming soon!

  • One of Dark Matter Technology Care’s values is that of Empowerment. We believe organizations should foster a Technology Care culture with employees who are “care-aware” and empowered on how to manage technology risk and the activities needed to do so. CyberWell Blueprint’s eight domains serve as a catalyst for cyber and non-cyber professionals to speak the same language with comprehension from the executive level to the newest employee executing the work.

  • Dark Matter Technology Care’s CyberWell Blueprint was built from the ground up to support organization’s both small and large. It offers the flexibility to grow with your organization and as your cybersecurity program matures. CyberWell Blueprint’s eight domains communicate a cohesive strategy not only for those directly executing cybersecurity requirements, but it aims to demystify and simplify the strategic plan for cybersecurity for your organization. CyberWell Blueprint also conceptualizes the inherent nature that all eight domains are interdependent and require continual feedback and lessons learned across all domains. It even clearly identifies the domain lead or POC to ensure the requirements for each domain are articulated to accomplish your organization’s overall CyberWell Blueprint framework. Lastly, CyberWell Blueprint is flexible to meet the unique nuances of your organization while still being true to Technology Care.

  • Dark Matter Technology Care’s CyberWell Blueprint meet your organization where you are in its development. As a small business you have the advantage of establishing a process around the risk management of your technology with reduced resource requirements. With limited to no staff focusing on Technology Care, you will have CyberWell Blueprint that will inform those who you partner with to keep your assets that depend on technology safe. Even if you have partnered with an outside cybersecurity, IT, or vCISO provider, your organization with have a agnostic cybersecurity framework independent of a tool, service provider or personnel. One of the values of the CyberWell Blueprint orders each of the eight domains in the most efficient and effective manner to show program maturity and dependencies (e.g. Configuration Management needs Asset Management, Access Management, etc. to be effective). This way even as a small business owner you are empowered to know how your organization will foster a culture of Technology Care regardless of if it remains small or grows in the future.

  • Dark Matter Technology Care provides a single simple framework to aid your organization in implementing CMMC for your organization. Our CyberWell Blueprint distills the (17) CMMC domains into a program ordering eight manageable domains in most efficient and effective manner to show program maturity and dependencies (e.g. Configuration Management needs Asset Management, Access Management, etc. to be effective). Also, if you decide to incorporate any other frameworks as your organization matures, CyberWell Blueprint has you covered as well with multiple frameworks inherently mapped to CyberWell Blueprint. CyberWell Blueprint is virtually future proof for your organization and as these frameworks inevitably get updated over time. To learn more about the Department of Defense (DOD) Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certifications (CMMC) you can visit:

  • With Dark Matter’s Technology Care’s CyberWell Blueprint, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) CSF has been analyzed to articulate the most effective way for an organization to develop and manage their cybersecurity program. The CyberWell Blueprint goes beyond the CSF Core functions (Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover) and 23 categories. Through a painstaking decomposition of 108 CSF subcategories, the development of CyberWell Blueprint’s eight domains brings value, context and proper alignment of equities to meet the outcome of the 23 CSF categories.

“…federal cybersecurity contracting requirements are trickling down to thousands of SMB and midmarket contractors. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is discussing new rules on breach notifications. Compliance challenges grow more onerous as ecosystems proliferate. The Department of Defense’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), for example, underscores the critical importance of holistic cybersecurity, much of it beyond the reach of SMBs and the mid­market unless they get help from vendors.

Bharath Aiyer, Jeffrey Caso, Peter Russell, and Marc Sorel. “New survey reveals $2 trillion market opportunity for cybersecurity technology and service providers.” McKinsey & Company. Oct 27, 2022.

“Rules around the world are equally stringent. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, for example, may levy fines of up to 4 percent of global turnover against companies that fail to protect their customers.

Bharath Aiyer, Jeffrey Caso, Peter Russell, and Marc Sorel. “New survey reveals $2 trillion market opportunity for cybersecurity technology and service providers.” McKinsey & Company. Oct 27, 2022.

InfoSec and Cybersecurity Industry Trends

Let us help you demystify cybersecurity for your organization.